What kind of werewolf are you?

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Disclaimer: This quiz may incite excitement, increased energy, and more knowledge of werewolves. Only take this if you you are a werewolf. This quiz can also tell you how sexy you are.

Are you a Black wolf? Or a White wolf? Or the classic Lycan? Just start the quiz to find out! Just make sure you are ready and eager to begin! Ready? Set? Go!

Created by: Musclewerewolf
  1. Are you naughty?
  2. Do you have a lust to kill?
  3. Which is better? "¢white magic "¢black magic "¢prayer
  4. What kind of animals do you hunt?
  5. Will you rate?
  6. Will you comment?
  7. Will you take my other quizzes?
  8. Do you like to be around other wolves?
  9. Are you a natural born werewolf or were you created.
  10. Are your friends Wolves?

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Quiz topic: What kind of werewolf am I?