Would you make it to Sovngarde?

Sovngarde is the Nordic afterlife created by Shor that exists in Aetherius. Warriors who have proven their mettle in battle arrive in Sovngarde after death. Fleshly pain and maladies evaporate upon entering its Hall of Valor.

Spirits here enjoy mead-drinking and contests of physical prowess. Sovngarde is only for Nordic and Atmoran warriors—other groups have their own afterlives. For example, when Nordic Werewolves die, Hircine claims their soul for his Great Hunt just as he would with any other Werewolf, thus preventing them from reaching Sovngarde.

Created by: stonebrix
  1. Which best describes you best in a dangerous situation
  2. Do you plan on enlisting in the army/already have served in the army?
  3. Which do you value the most
  4. How genetically "nordic/scandinavian" are you? (Yes I know none of us like the fact that pretty much only Nords get to Sovengarde)
  5. What temperature is ideal for you
  6. If you could live in any house any rural place you desired, where would it be?
  7. Do you hold grudges against your foes?
  8. What is your greatest fear
  9. What best describes your taste
  10. What kind of people do you hate the most

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