What Kind of Traveller Are You?

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Travelling has become a must for us millennial. Not just to discover the amazing places out there in the world, but also to make incredible memories in life.

Have you ever wondered the kind of person you are when you travel? Well, it is a good idea to make that discovery. This is not just for the fun of categorizing yourself, but also to reveal the unique traveller you may be. LET'S FIND OUT TOGETHER!

Created by: Hanna
  1. During my travel, I prefer to...
  2. What is your travel bag choice?
  3. What is your preferred option of travelling?
  4. My travel bucket list will contain...
  5. What are your holiday selfies like?
  6. Which is your most important meal of the day?
  7. What things are you willing to leave behind when you travel?
  8. Which of the following describes you as a traveller?
  9. It's raining. What do you do to pass the time?
  10. Where is your dream vacation located?

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Quiz topic: What Kind of Traveller am I?
