Assigning you my memories

Assigning you one of my memories. I picked a few of my most memorable memories, with different emotions. A few of them have conflicting emotions, because life is weird like that, so I tried to capture that in the answers.

So I have to write a few more words before I can finish this. I added a few memories (6), and only ten questions because this is my first quiz. I'll try to make more quizzes in the future. Have fun!

Created by: F1zzyFaz
  1. ik its generic, but pick a song lyric:
  2. Pick a place
  3. Are you really home?
  4. What are you?
  5. You're injured. What is it?
  6. Pick a book world to live in
  7. Do you just want to return to a memory in the past, and live there?
  8. You have to put a piece of your soul somewhere. Where is it going?
  9. What are you?
  10. “Do you think we're soulmates in another universe?”

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