Attack on Titan Kin Assignment

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If you're like me, you've been seeing a lot about 'kinning' a character or having a character kin. What the hell is a kin, you ask. Well, according to Urban Dictionary, 'A "kin" is a character (or characters, you can have more than one kin) you associate/identify with. Kins are to help you express yourself, or comfort you.' Of course, when I learned the meaning of the word, I wanted to discover my own kins, which begged the question, How do I discover a kin? I tried several quizzes, but none of them felt accurate. Therefore, I created my own.

I used an anime I have been watching for a while, because assigning Kins requires deep understanding of the character. I won't be revealing the characters this quiz is for because that could lead to choosing answers answers specifically to receive that character as a kin. That being said, choose honest answers, enjoy the quiz, and please leave a rating!

Created by: saltysword23
  1. We're going to start off light and easy. What's your favorite color?
  2. Pick an song lyric that resonates with you.
  3. What do you dislike about yourself?
  4. Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
  5. What is your deepest abstract fear?
  6. Choose a mood.
  7. An experience you relate to. (i.e., You said it to/felt it yourself, another person said it to you.)
  8. Are you comfortable being vulnerable around people?
  9. Describe yourself.
  10. Other people are...
  11. How would you like to die?
  12. A famous ancient Greek person who you feel could have been you in a past life?

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