What kind of swimmer are you?

this is a quiz for fun and you should not believe your results without a second information. I hope I could help you with your chooses. hope you will take some other quizzes as well

All swimmers are great and you are not defined by this quizhope you have a great day/night and you are loved. I like swimming I hope you to if you are reading this focus on the quiz.

Created by: odgoan
  1. Are you ready to train more than anyone else?
  2. what is your dream training?
  3. What do you love the most?
  4. what time do you have in the 400 free
  5. what are you doing if you practice kicking
  6. what set is more intresting
  7. what color are your googles? (doesn't affect the answer)
  8. are you swimming with.... of your group?
  9. ready for the results
  10. one least question. Do you like swimming in the ocean?

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Quiz topic: What kind of swimmer am I?
