What kind of Pokemon trainer are you?

Just put your skills to the test! Pokemon skills, that is!

If you can win, you are the Pokemon Master!

Created by: Superstar

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is Ash's trusted partner?
  2. What region is Ash from?
  3. In the Unova region, who tells Ash: "You're such a little kid,"?
  4. Who was Ash's first Pokemon in the Hoenn region?
  5. What is your favorite colorr?
  6. Why did you take this quiz?
  7. What type of Pokemon would you be?
  8. Tell me, what is closest to your name?
  9. Who does Ash meet first?
  10. Last question: Who would you most likely be?

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Quiz topic: What kind of Pokemon trainer am I?