Are you a Pokemon or a trainer?

Whether you are a Pokemon or a trainer,a fanatic or just browsing for fun, smart or not, there can only be one who is the VERY no one ever was!

Could YOU be that rare one? Can YOU be the winnig Pokemon? That is the TRUE point of Pokemon...the ONE TO CATCH THEM ALL! FND OUT NOW! Good luck on your Journney!

Created by: pokecrafter
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like the dark?
  2. Your friend is being mean. What do you do?
  3. How tall are you?
  4. A friend is recruiting people to team up against a bully. You...
  5. Would you rather own a pet or be one
  6. Are you bossy? Be honest! Think of yourself from another's perspective.
  7. Do you know what Pokemon are?
  8. Do you enjoy...
  9. Oh no! You broke your leg!
  10. would you like being a trainer or a Pokemon?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Pokemon or a trainer?