What kind of personality do you have/ What is your best quality? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What kind of personality do you have/ What is your best quality?
What kind of personality do you have/ What is your best quality?
Your Result: Fun/Outgoing/Advent urious
You love exploring new things, getting into new situations, and adventuring unseen sights. Your to-do list before you turn 35 will probably consist of skydiving, mountain climbing, and drinking juice with a deer. Very random, but probably hasn't been done by someone completely sane. This quality probably isn't good to start a family with. Unless skydiving equiptment counts as a child!
haha totally me. i really want to go skydiving.
Your Result: Sensitive
You are such a sweet person. You make sure other people are doing okay, and for the most part, care for other people more than your self. If not, you just protect yourself from being hurt. Emotionally. (If you are a guy, this is a thing alota girls like.) You like to have a certain group of friends that you keep close to you. But, yeah, wonderful!!
Fun/Outgoing/Adve nturious
I guess.
*reads what in the parentheses*
I'm a guy...I like the reults. None of them are wierd or lacking manners. Good quiz.
I do pay attention to the order of the other results...
I do care about my grades . I don't like laid back !!
Same here and pretty mean for calling me stupid just cuz I don't care about something's in life doesn't mean I'm a dumb asshat like this person for being so judgemental.
Hey, I'm laid back.......only when I wanna be ;)
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