what kind of person will you marry

I was inspired to write this because I took a test just like this and It said date a nerd who loves social studies. I hate social studies. I made 3 tests including this one!

Me inspiró a escribir esto porque tomé una prueba como esta y dijo fecha un nerd que ama los estudios sociales. Odio los estudios sociales. Hice 3 pruebas incluyendo esta!

Created by: jenny
  1. Quizzes must have between 10 and 60 questions. Got it!what are you best at?
  2. Are you cute or handsome?
  3. Did you get in trouble when your in school?
  4. were you popular in school?
  5. Did you ever date?
  6. how long did your relationship last if you dated?
  7. if you dated what did they look like?
  8. what was there personality?
  9. do you have a CRUSH?
  10. how old are you and how old do you want them to be?

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Quiz topic: What kind of person will I marry
