What Kind of Person Are YOU? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Kind of Person Are YOU?

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  • Your Result: You are not a fan of the world! 76%

    You're a pretty negative person! For you, the glass is half empty! Remember to be positive sometimes! Although somehow that negative energy intrigues many people so you are very popular!

    56% You are a Business Person!
    56% You are a Nerd!
    44% You are a Hippie!
    32% You are a Prep!

  • Your Result: You are not a fan of the world!

    You're a pretty negetive person! For you, the glass is half empty! Remember to be positive sometimes! Although somehow that negetive energy intrigues many people so you are very popular!

    You are a Hippie!
    You are a Prep!
    You are a Nerd!
    You are a Buisness Person!

    Puppy xo1
  • Hippie. Happy person who is in love with life. You like helping others and your glass is half full. Keep your cando attitude! A smile is worth 1000 words!

    Well, that would definatley describe me! I'm loving this quiz, Samantha. You are totally true with what you say.

  • Yup I am not a fan of the wolrd and yes I am negative; it's not like there's anything in this crappy world to make me happy and if there is I sure as hell haven't found it.

  • im a hippie lol

    well i can b at times! so what if i like to b optimistic at times, a person deserves to feel happy every once in a while!

  • lol! i'm a nerd!


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