lakeshine's Profile
Joined on Mar 13, 2016
Status Level: Junior
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lakeshine's Recent Quiz Comments
"Pretty much all quizzes are based on the first question. It's hard to find a decent guess your age quiz."
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"I got Lightrain! I wanted to become a medicine cat though..."
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"How'd I get closer to Gryffindor than Slytherin? For pretty much every quiz, It's like Slytherin! Ravenclaw! Slytherin!…"
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"11.5" Yew, Unicorn Hair 80%
Your wand is of average length, with a flexible and long-lasting wood. Unicorn Hair is less common…"
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"I am 63% into writing Harry Potter 'ships! 63%
Hey, that's pretty good. You're showing signs of magic there. You don't need canon…"
1 reply2 -
"Slytherin!! YASS!!"
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"17-21 but I'm actually 11"
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"Your Result: Severus Snape 78%
resultYou are very secretive. You're very strong and talented, but your.. well.. 'human-like…"
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"Your Result: Luna Lovegood 86%
resultYou are Luna, you are Very friendly and you are a complete fantasy lover your friends mean a…"
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"Your Result: You are Ron Weasley 80%
You come from a very large family. You enjoy games like chess, but don't mind a good game of…"