what kind of person are you?

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my quiz is about if you don't know what kind of person you are and to show people your true self. never let your self down. if you feel sad just say to your friends and hopefully they will understand.

if you feel like you don't know who you are then you get to know who you are in this quiz. express yourself, be who you want to be, never give up and stay true to yourself.

Created by: Jemma Harrison
  1. what do you like to do?
  2. what do you like to eat?
  3. do you like?
  4. what do you hate?
  5. do you like boys?
  6. what do people say to you?
  7. what jokes do you tell?
  8. do you like school?
  9. do you like lie in's in the morning?
  10. finale question, did you in joy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What kind of person am I?

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