What kind of moon dragon are you.

Ok you can see the things that represent your personality and how it will affect your rarities and your favorite self. Gonna fill the techxhfhfhfhchfhfhfhfbcbfhchch

You must always be honest.trying to fill djxgchfhchxhdbfhchfhgbvhvhfncjvbchvjfn h bfhfbfj hfhfhfufhfb hc xhfbbcucgdvfhcbfjfbfjcbfbfj bfbcjfbxuxhxjchcd

Created by: Animales
  1. What are you doing this for
  2. What's your favorite name/ title
  3. Ok I'm going to put my full brain power unto this What's you favorite food
  4. A dragon 🐉 invades your household(cave) and it looks ready to attack
  5. Ok what's your favorite moon phase
  6. How ofen do you get nervous around a new person
  7. Do not answer
  8. I dont give a..
  9. Rambam
  10. Sponge bob

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Quiz topic: What kind of moon dragon am I.
