What Kind Of Mage/Sorcerer Are You?

This quiz is based on the simple fact that I was bored and wanted something to do. But never mind that. This quiz is about what kind of wizard you would be if magic wasn't just science fiction.

The possible outcomes of this quiz is... --------Necromancer............... --------Fire Mage................. --------Plant Mage................ --------Water and Ice Mage........

Created by: Armytrix2324
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do you cope being in teams?
  2. What kind of person are you?
  3. What kind of creature describes you the most?
  4. Where would you prefer to live near?
  5. What Element describes you?
  6. What role suits you?
  7. Which one of these is a preferred hobby?
  8. In war, what role would you play?
  9. Are you a...

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Quiz topic: What Kind Of Mage/Sorcerer am I?