what kind of jammer are you

the quiz i made is to show you what the title says.So the title says what type of jammer are you?there are only four results.So i hope this is your real personality on animal jam!!

So do you have what it takes to answer this quiz?If you do i hope this quiz is good!So i hope this quiz makes your day because i spent all day literally all day making this quiz!$!

Created by: sage
  1. wuts your favorate color?
  2. wuts ur favorate animal?
  3. wuts ur favorite rare?
  4. wuts your favorite pet?
  5. wuts ur favorite subject in school?
  6. wuts ur personality?
  7. do u like aj
  8. do u like rares
  9. wut do u like on aj to wear?
  10. wut do u normally wear at ur house

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Quiz topic: What kind of jammer am I