what kind of howrse player are you?

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a good howrse player is somone who goes on howrse often, takes care of horses and update yor page also has unique items andis in the top 100 also known as a GREAT howrse player

are yo a great howrse player? do you go on howrse enough to qualify that title? for now you can just wonder. but thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes youwill find out!

Created by: erins howrse

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how often do you go on howrse?
  2. how often do you care for your horses?
  3. do you edit your profile when you log on?
  4. do you have an equestrian center?
  5. if so, do you ever update it?
  6. how many horses do you have?
  7. did you do the quest at the begining of howrse?
  8. if s did it help you?
  9. do you know who the player erins howrse is?
  10. do you have any specail items like tickets or bm items or passes?

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Quiz topic: What kind of howrse player am I?