What Howrse Player are You?

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Created by: Christmas

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are looking in the direct sales. The horse that most catches your eye is;
  2. A player PMs you. He/she asks to buy your best horse for about 10,000 equus.
  3. Someone is spamming the forums!
  4. Someone is spamming the forums!
  5. You are looking in the sales. You come across a last month's GP release. He has pretty good inborn skills. You judge that if you breed him, you'll come up close to the current GP. Best part is; he's only 8,000 equus!
  6. Your EC forum contains:
  7. You spend most of your time;
  8. Your best horse is:
  9. You miss a unicorn breeding time.
  10. What is on your page?

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Quiz topic: What Howrse Player am I?