What Kind Of Horse Are You?

This quiz makes you think about the breed of horse you are. Each question belongs to a a few of the answer choices. Choose carefully because there may be a breed you are not happy with.

Take this quiz to see if you are one of these breeds of horses. If you don't like your breed then take it again. Each choice hides a horse or two so choose carefully.

Created by: Sara

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you like to in your spare time?
  2. Would You Rather Be A.....
  3. What is your favorite breed?
  4. What animal would you want to be for one day?
  5. Who out of your family is your role model?
  6. What is your favorite horse movie?
  7. Do you play PB3 or any Servers?
  8. Have you read any of the Warriors books?
  9. Do you have a best friend?
  10. What do you do at 7:00 in the morning?

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Quiz topic: What Kind Of Horse am I?