what kind of friend are you?**.

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what do you think this girls emotions is,happy,pretty,love,sad,or something else and do you think she is kind,do you like the picture and how do you like the picture.

do you think she is petty or not or do you feel like she is so sassy. how do you think she is doing. this is for thinking and she looks really fun and kind,sweet.

Created by: juliet
  1. Are you rude to your friends?
  2. Are you sassy to your friends?
  3. Do you fight with your friends some times?
  4. How nice are you to your friends?
  5. how popular are you ?
  6. are you mean?
  7. what kind of person are you?
  8. do you not care about some of your friends?
  9. do you talk behind your friends back? #because if you do you're a fake friend
  10. why do you hate some of your friends just because you think there lame?
  11. why do you have fights with your friends? here's a tip walk away and don't fight or they will make you upset and tell on you

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Quiz topic: What kind of friend am I?**.

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