What kind of flirt are you?

A satirical quiz thats still fun when you dont know what else to do. very demure, vey cutesy, very mindful. i hate this website so much i hope your ceo gets luigi'd

omg wow its the second description yay yippiee i cant wait to do this quiz and stop reading this out loud and watch these two men passionately kiss for my enjoyment

Created by: gyatt
  1. Just to set the stage what gender you goin for
  2. your date asks you if youve ever wanted to frolick in a field and try to avoid the world while hugging eachother dressed cottagecore. what do you say?
  3. Your date just wants to spend a romantic night together what do you do?
  4. On a romantic drive back from your date you decide to take them somewhere special where do you go?
  5. your on character.ai in a totally normal way who do you talk too
  6. Who is your favorite Youtuber
  7. favorite song of a specific genre i cannot say on this website
  8. favorite anime
  9. i feel like we lost the plot a bit ngl
  10. This is the end how was the quiz

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Quiz topic: What kind of flirt am I?
