What kind of fan are you?

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If you love to take annoying surveys shared on Facebook or like to be judged by others, then here is yet another survey! Your life cannot be complete until you take this one.

There are many different types of fans at a concert, but where do you fit in? Are you a true and loyal fan or do you just really suck and are a waste of space on the floor?

Created by: Kelly Rosner of Facebook
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The last album you obtained...
  2. The last concert I was at, I bought...
  3. How many concerts have you been to in the past year?
  4. You have been backstage...
  5. Last time you were at a concert you...
  6. My concert going attire consists of
  7. The merch guy/girl
  8. What is the max that you are willing to spend on a concert ticket?
  9. Last show you went to, you
  10. How many band shirts do you own?

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Quiz topic: What kind of fan am I?