what kind of executable are you

ever wanted to find out what kind of executable are you? well now you can! with this amazing quiz to find that out, it will be very fun experience and a very enjoyable one

this quiz is just for plain fun, you can share it with anyone preferably, i made it after i got a funky idea about well making a quiz to define what kind of an executable you are

Created by: rut
  1. what is your favourite food out of those
  2. emacs or vim?
  3. what animal will you choose
  4. which one is the better show?
  5. little endian or big endian byte order?
  6. sha256 or md5 hashing algorithm?
  7. favourite data bit width?
  8. what is your preferred walking speed?
  9. which digit system is the best?
  10. favourite resolution?

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Quiz topic: What kind of executable am I
