How Popular are you?

Hi, I made this quiz for fun, and for people who are curious about how popular they really are. Don’t worry, not all schools are like this. If you didn’t get the result you wanted, you can do again, but with different answers!

All of these questions, answers and scores are taken from experience, so they usually are correct. I hope you enjoy this quiz and have as much fun doing it as I had making it!

Created by: AnnieLiss14
  1. Do you have lots of friends?
  2. Do people know and like you?
  3. Are you a teachers pet?
  4. Do you get teased?
  5. Do you speak with an accent?
  6. Do you have a phone?
  7. What is your style?
  8. Do you want to be popular? This question won’t affect your answer.
  9. Do you keep up with trends?
  10. Last question this won’t affect your answer. Did you enjoy the quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Popular am I?
