What Kind of Dater Are You? (Females)

What is it that attracts us to the opposite sex? Is it their award winning personality, boyish good looks (and tight bodies to boot), or possibly that promising social security check? Is it safe to say that we may not even know what exactly lures us to the lesser sex?

With so many men in the world, how does one know exactly what type to go after? Young or old? Proud and strong, or weak and meek? End the confusion with a simple quiz designed (with a bit of brilliance) to reveal your true dating persona!

Created by: Julie

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. On a first date you prefer to go...
  2. The qualities you find most appealing in a man are...
  3. I like men who have...
  4. Your favorite song, if you absolutely had to pick would be...
  5. The sport I enjoy watching/playing the most is...
  6. The ideal meal you share together would be...
  7. At what time do you usually go to bed?
  8. My drug use is as follows...
  9. If you were an animal you would be...
  10. The pick up line that would work best on you would be...

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Quiz topic: What Kind of Dater am I? (Females) You can find more quizzes like this one in our Dating Quiz category.