What kind of chocolate are you?

Do you like chocolate? Have you ever wanted to know what kind of chocolate you are most like? Probably not, but just in case, this quiz is so for you!

Do you like chocolate? Have you ever wanted to know what kind of chocolate you are most like? Probably not, but just in case, this quiz is so for you!

Created by: chocolatelover

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which kind of chocolate do you like?
  2. Would you describe yourself as outgoing?
  3. Are you "popular"?
  4. OK, I know this is on every quiz... but what color hair do you have? (no effect)
  5. How many friends do you have?
  6. If you were at a party, where would you be?
  7. How do you handle a breakup?
  8. What are your hobbies?
  9. Ok, I'm bored, aren't you?
  10. Are you or have you been in a relationship?

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Quiz topic: What kind of chocolate am I?