What kind of Brony are you?

YOU are a brony. Yes YOU. Don't deny it. I see that fluttershy doll you have in your hands! I see that 20% cooler shirt! I hear the pony videos and music you have in the backround of your computer! I know you have even a slight love of ponies.
Now, we need to find out WHAT brony you REALLY are! Are you an artistc, whos art skills and pictures are the envy of the internet? Are you a closet brony? One who hides their love of My Little Pony? A Gamer perhaps? Who the blessing of Nerdiness hath smiled upon? Or even the original? The simple, but POWERFULL brony? Or the Harcore brony? One who takes their love of MLP TOO FAR? Click on this quiz to find out! HATERS NOT WELCOME!!!>:(
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