Are You a Brony?

A true Brony is more than watching MLP. It is when you have memorized who the charachters are, their personality, (Pinkie Pie :D)and, most imp---tantly, their destiny.

So, are YOU a true brony? Do YOU have what it takes to know each and every member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, The Wonderbolts, and The Mane Six? Well, here is your chance.

Created by: Derpy Hooves of
(your link here more info)
  1. First question. Who are the "Mane" Six?
  2. Is Apple Bloom part of the Cutie Mark Crusaders?
  3. What is Fluttershy's Cutie Mark?
  4. Who are Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?
  5. What is Spike?
  6. What is the color of Derpy Hooves' mane and tail?
  7. What group is Spitfire part of?
  8. What is Shining Armor's Cutie Mark?
  9. What is Shining Armor's Cutie Mark?
  10. In "A Canterlot Wedding," Who is in charge of the Reception?
  11. Which one of these episodes does Daring Do appear?
  12. Last question. Is Twilight Sparkle a Princess?
  13. Last question. Is Twilight Sparkle a Princess?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Brony?