What kind of blueberry you are?

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Blueberry Inflation is where the individual experiences blueberry juice rushing and swelling the innocent body to create a fat rounded Blueberry Ball.

The results specifically will tell you what kind of berry you are. Answers will be fine-tunes based on if you made the rational answers or not. See ya..

Created by: PoseidonXVl
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. Would you like to swell up into a blueberry?
  4. How many friends would you do it with?
  5. You and you're friend are having a sleepover togehter, they offer a blueberry flavored gum would you take it?
  6. After you take the gum, where would you like to see your blue skin first?
  7. You start to feel your belly expanding against your clothes what do you do?
  8. Suddenly your butt starts to grow too, what do you do?
  9. Then you start to round out like a beach ball, what do you say to your friend?
  10. You finally become just a big blue ball with little hands and feet, you try to walk but fails, your friend comes closer to you and says "Do you like it?", what do you say to them?
  11. Your friend then take another piece of the gum and ask you "What should I do with this?", what is your awnser?
  12. Did you enjoy the quiz?

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