What kind of bean are you? #notsponsored (heinz)

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legume/ljum/Learn to pronouncenouna leguminous plant (member of the pea family), especially one grown as a crop."he sows a mixture of grasses and legumes"a seed, pod, or other edible part of a leguminous plant, used as food."the new diet is high in fruit, vegetables, and legumes"BOTANY

Woah! @HeinzUK has announced a NEW vegan range, with salad cream, mayo & beanz burgerz! 😱 The salad cream and plain mayo are in @Tesco stores now, and the chilli & garlic versions available from Feb. The beanz burgerz will be available via @Ocado from 14th Jan. #Veganuary2021

Created by: beanlover47
  1. Bean?
  2. bean 2
  3. bean 3
  4. baba booey
  5. bean 3
  6. bean
  7. Do you think we are sponsored
  8. are you based?
  9. question 9
  10. what question is this

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Quiz topic: What kind of bean am I? #notsponsored (heinz)

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