Which Member Of The Pig Family Are You?

Ever wondered which member of Peppa Pig's family you are? PROBABLY NOT! But here we are, taking this quiz. So however you got here, have fun i guess??

This iconic family consists of a brat, a crybaby, a girlboss, a depressed dad, a competitive grandad, a sweetheart, a pick me girl and a baby. You are blessed to be any of them. So there.

Created by: byler_rights
  1. Do you like dinosaurs?
  2. Which cliche are you?
  3. Opinion on Stranger Things?
  4. Are you the main character?
  5. Aesthetic?
  6. Favourite Disney Princess?
  7. What matters most to you?
  8. How would you react to someone getting a question wrong in class?
  9. Sports day?
  10. What're your summer plans?

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Quiz topic: Which Member Of The Pig Family am I?

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