What kind of annoying are you

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Let´s face it, we are all annoying in some form. Want to know what kind of annoying you are? Take this quiz and find out! whbcjwehc vlegwjvj.khcnb;voerugk,ac

*Sorry about the spam, I had to keep typing so it would let me publish it. I going to do the same again, vjckiydcvkevwecv wouedvcwuldv pdicw hjlvdvclwqehvcy

Created by: A U D R E Y :3
  1. Do you demand things?
  2. Do you remind your teacher about homework?
  3. Do you cut class?
  4. Do you pick your nose?
  5. Do you brag?
  6. How do you text?
  7. Do you eat the bruised part of a fruit?
  8. Your friend wears the same outfit as you, what do you do?
  9. Your friend asks for help with his/her homework. What do you do?
  10. Bye! (No effect)

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Quiz topic: What kind of annoying am I
