What kind of animal are you?

There is many different animals,have you ever wounder what one you would ever be well heres your chance just answer a couple questions below and find out at the end.

DO you have the guts to complete the quiz bet you you dont it s tough and impossible just kidding.... but do you have what IT TAKES. Try millions of people tried and enjoyed it!!!!

Created by: Megan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your fav color?? Choose wisely..
  2. Whats your fav sport????? Also pick carefully.
  3. Summer or Winter??????
  4. Wakeborading or surfing
  5. What animal do you want to be???? Pick very carefully...:}
  6. Disney or Warner Brothers???
  7. 21 OR Solitaire????
  8. Why did the chicken cross the road???
  9. Would you rather....
  10. jump off a 50 foot building in to soft foam or bellyflop of a 7 meter diving board in to water.

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Quiz topic: What kind of animal am I?