What Kind of An Animal Are You?

"People talking, talking about people..." Well, do animals do the same thing? I suppose we'll never know. But "let's give them something to talk about."

Oh wow. You want to find out what kind of animal you are?! Take this quiz and find out. Santa Claus won't be helping you to find your imagination and pretend to be a monkey, but I think this is the next best thing :)

Created by: Nicole

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where do you like to spend your days?
  2. You probably thought that last question was a joke, but answer it again...
  3. what letter does your name start with?
  4. what is your favorite color?
  5. do you like the zoo?
  6. how do you get clean?
  7. who is your best friend?
  8. If you were a zoo animal and you had to choose a "cage mate" (the animal that would be in the next cage over), who would you pick?
  9. what do you sleep with at night?
  10. who's your daddy?

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Quiz topic: What Kind of An Animal am I?