What Kind of Alt-Right Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Kind of Alt-Right Are You?
Your quiz results
What Kind of Alt-Right Are You?
Your Result: Traditionalist/Monarchist 60%You're a bit of a romantic, and you likely reject the label of "alt-right" as too amoral. Your chief goal is a return to the old order: societies focused upon God and the family, legitimate authority, the confluence of truth and beauty, and so on. You are probably either traditional Catholic or Orthodox and belong to way too many niche Facebook groups.
44% Fascist
40% Libertarian/Ancap
20% White Supremacist
20% Blackpiller
0% National Socialist -
Unfortunately it is highly unreliable and gave me a completely wrong answer to my perspective pertaining to the Alt-Right (between Lib/AnCap or Traditionalist/Mon depending on gun choice). I don't exactly see what gun preference has to do with whether you are "Alt-Right" or not either.
Choosing one at random with the hit of a backspace and hitting "submit" once more gives me an entirely different answer. But then again, I know next to nothing about guns or their origins.
Crappy quiz, m8, but a nice gimmick.
Your quiz results
What Kind of Alt-Right Are You?
Your Result: Fascist 66%Political nuance has taken a backseat to seething hatred of leftism for you. For you, the will of the state is absolute, and the purpose of the state is to preserve and advance the physical and spiritual well-being of the people. You are fond of helicopters and likely have at least 50 "fashy" pages in your Facebook feed.
40% Libertarian/Ancap
40% White Supremacist
20% Traditionalist/Monarchist
20% Blackpiller
0% National Socialist
Yeah, Id say this result describes me best. -
Your quiz results
What Kind of Alt-Right Are You?
Your Result: White Supremacist 60%Your economic and social views take a backseat to your desire to preserve your race and culture. By far the edgiest arm of the alt-right, you make sure you are also the most visible, much to everyone's annoyance. Anyone who diverges from your notion of what the alt-right is about is a cuck, and putting echoes around people's names is your chief pastime.
44% Fascist
40% Traditionalist/Monarchist
40% Blackpiller
20% Libertarian/Ancap
0% National Socialist -
You're a bit of a romantic, and you likely reject the label of "alt-right" as too amoral. Your chief goal is a return to the old order: societies focused upon God and the family, legitimate authority, the confluence of truth and beauty, and so on. You are probably either traditional Catholic or Orthodox and belong to way too many niche Facebook groups.
Points for me b----es.
Your quiz results
What Kind of Alt-Right Are You?
Your Result: Fascist 66%Political nuance has taken a backseat to seething hatred of leftism for you. For you, the will of the state is absolute, and the purpose of the state is to preserve and advance the physical and spiritual well-being of the people. You are fond of helicopters and likely have at least 50 "fashy" pages in your Facebook feed.
60% Libertarian/Ancap
40% Traditionalist/Monarchist
20% Blackpiller
0% White Supremacist
0% National SocialistNot completely accurate (what quiz is?) but Ill take it.
Your quiz results
What Kind of Alt-Right Are You?
Your Result: Libertarian/Ancap 81%Your chief disagreements with the left are economic, not social, and you adopt a largely "live and let live" view towards your fellow man. You probably don't associate with/identify as alt-right, and the alt-right by and large only sees you as a foil for more vocal and annoying SJWs. You probably like guns and anime a little too much.
30% Fascist
14% Traditionalist/Monarchist
14% Blackpiller
0% White Supremacist
0% National Socialist
Although admittedly, this works too I guess.-
Long live russia
I've heard of "broken quizzes" before, but this is just silly. The rational ones do, always have and always will win. They deserve it.
"Absurdities need atrocities." - Voltaire
It had a couple questions that didn't give me an acceptable answer to pick. The state exists to protect private property, and I believe abortion is a necessary evil.
It's amusing, as an unabashed Leninist and Jacobin to take this test! It doesn't know what to do with someone who is not a RIGHTIST. It assumes everyone is.
Quiz creator do you realize that libertarianism is not an alt-right ideology? Neither is anarcho-capitalism for that matter.
That's like saying Bernie was a commie. Which is actually more true lol
this title is decieveing to people who are right wing, people who are right wing ex;sargon to peterson are not alt right and reject identity politics entirely people who say they are alt right are, for the most part are pro white
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