What Jessie character are you?

Hi you guys no matter what you will get you are very talented and amazing.You have flaws and everyone does but you are a genius.

You are a genius you are smart you are awesome but are you smart enough,awesome enough,a genius enough to take this quiz only one way to find out.

Created by: tkh
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color
  2. Are your grades always good
  3. Are you biological or adopted
  4. Do you like to sleep or play
  5. Are you always being ignored
  6. Are you or were you the cool one in school
  7. Do you like sports
  8. Are you the only child
  9. Do you like work
  10. Are you clever

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Quiz topic: What Jessie character am I?