What it is you know about me?

This quiz is about me, it's self-explanatory. If you have any further questions then you need to ask. Since I have to keep writing for this description, this is all I'm going to be writing so this is the end. Now go take the quiz.

And again... This quiz is about me, it's self-explanatory. If you have any further questions then you need to ask. Since I have to keep writing for this description, this is all I'm going to be writing so this is the end. Now go take the quiz.

Created by: Brandy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where do I live?
  2. What's my middle name?
  3. What is the name of my car?
  4. What is my favorite color?
  5. What is my biggest weakness?
  6. What is my favorite movie?
  7. What's my favorite number?
  8. How many tattoos do I have?
  9. The reason I moved to NY was...
  10. My favorite fruit is...

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