How much do you know about Tooele,Utah

there are many people who think they know a lot prove it come take this quiz and see what you know about tooele. then we'll se whose the genius won't we

Please take this quiz it's my first one PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I have to write 150 so im gonna keep writing writing writing writing writing writng writing

Created by: howi metmom of The Girl Code
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. how do you do the THS cheer?
  2. What does THS stand for?
  3. how do you pronounce tooele?
  4. how many swimming pools do we have?
  5. what high school sport is tooele known for?
  6. what is the name of the town that was part of tooele then became its own town
  7. where is the restraint wingers?
  8. when is the arts festival?
  9. what is middle canyon elementary known for?
  10. Did you like this quiz[no effect]

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Tooele,Utah