What Isle Dinosaur are You?

Do you play The Isle? Will you Survive The Isle? This personality quiz will determine what dinosaur best represents you and your playstyle! Take this Isle Quiz to find out!

This 20 question quiz will choose from 10 of the most popular playables in The Isle and determine which one your personality and playstyle matches best.

Created by: Dinosaur
  1. What class do you normally choose?
  2. What's your general playstyle?
  3. Do you play more often in a group or solo?
  4. When you play in a group it's usually made up of...
  5. What's your opinion about mixpacking?
  6. How often do you successfully reach 100% growth?
  7. How angry do you get when you die in The Isle?
  8. What kind of mutations do you normally prefer?
  9. What is your usual diet/nutrition combo?
  10. How often do you play The Isle?
  11. What size playable do you prefer to play?Legacy or Evrima
  12. When you play carnivore, when you're not hunting, you:
  13. When you play herbivore you:
  14. I feel most comfortable when:
  15. My favorite biome to hang out in is:
  16. In The Isle I'm best at:
  17. Do you like breaking ankles?
  18. Do you roleplay?
  19. Which of the following do you play the most (continued in next question)
  20. Which of the following do you play the most (continued from previous question)

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Quiz topic: What Isle Dinosaur am I?
