The Dinosaur Quiz

Yeah ... There are very few intelligent people in the world, and you are one! And one of the best. Do you want to play this quiz really good about dinosaurs? I'm sure you'll do well! Try it!

You're a really smart person like I said? If you said yes, try this quiz! It will be great. I bet with this dinosaur quiz so easy, you can find all the answers in seconds, or if not, try searching for information somewhere! Sometime in the Quiz, I'll give you a hint where to look!

Created by: Thieli
  1. How many teeth had a Tyrannosaurus Rex?
  2. What was the biggest dinosaur to walk on the earth?
  3. Which of these dinosaurs not exist and never existed?
  4. Tarbosaurus was...
  5. The Oviraptor lived during that period?
  6. How many horns have a Triceratops?
  7. Tyrannosaurus could live happily with other Giganotosaurus, Allosaurus, and Spinosaurus.
  8. The Parasaurolophus weighed many tons?
  9. What does 'Dinosaur'?
  10. The Torossauro was a dinosaur...
  11. Well, bye bye! The Quiz is over! Good luck!

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