what is your yandere name

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there real Yanderes but don't think that there everywhere because the are really rare so don't think that your going to see one anytime soon but thank you for taking my quiz.

you are going to love this at least i hope u do so please remember that this is short and my first quiz and if you like this please tell me and ill make more and don't for get to tell me want you want to see.

Created by: Yuko
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is you favorite thing to wear
  2. do you have a gf/bf
  3. why dont we RP for a little bit so you were walking and you saw your bf/gf with someone else what do you do
  4. your favorite animal
  5. hi or bye
  6. one too three go........so do you like anime
  7. what do you like about youtube
  8. do you have friends
  9. do you live with a friend
  10. ok do you like my quiz
  11. bye

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