Leval of your stabby love for him! Are you a YANDERE?

This quiz is supposed to show the leval of love yandere you have for him/ her. It is something I did why I was bored and carried on because I am still bored. I hopet this works.

You will answer ten questions about your love for him and your reactions. I tried not to make the choice of YANDERE obvious because I don't want anyone to go crazy. Oh and this quiz is only to test you role-play character.

Created by: Twila Goodman
  1. Do you think about him a lot?
  2. What is it you like most about him?
  3. What if he doesn't like you back?
  4. What if he was gone one day?
  5. He says that it is his falt and that he is sorry
  6. What is the most harm you have done to yourself. (If you are suffering from suicidal thoughts call the help line PLEASE you don't get another chance once your dead)
  7. Do you love him?
  8. What color describes him
  9. What made you fall in love with him
  10. What is his eye color?

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Quiz topic: Leval of my stabby love for him! am I a YANDERE?
