What is your wolf type?

Learn about your wolf type! There are many more, but I just wanna do the top 2! I hope that you can join the starclan! I will be there waiting for you fellow starwolves! Enjoy the test!

Test out your type of wolf using this test! If you just are taking this for no reason, please leave! If you actually are wondering, or just got interested, test on! Let the stars guide your path!

Created by: *Thestarclan:3*
  1. Do you feel more in tune to the night or the day?
  2. Do you like being in a pack or on your own?
  3. Imagine this: You are in a forest alone, without your pack, and an intruder comes through the border, what do you do?
  4. Feast, or alone dining?
  5. Do you wish to be stronger, faster, or loved more?
  6. Do you like the thought of being put as an alpha?
  7. Does the sky or space call you?
  8. Imagine this: You see a butterfly when your in your pack, and it’s trying to lead you somewhere different, what do you do?
  9. This doesn’t affect your score, but, what do you prefer? :3
  10. Last question! What is your favorite time of day?

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Quiz topic: What is my wolf type?
