what is your wolf name, fur, personality, rank

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this quiz is for you to see what your name, rank and personality. you have 8 choices. the names we show are the one you can get. some of the questions does not effect the answer.

i hope you enjoy! if you dont like this quiz than thats okay. also, if there is some wolf ranks i didnt take with, i know they arent there, but i couldnt add them.

Created by: moon
  1. wich of these names do you like the most
  2. are you a female or a male
  3. wich prey is your favourite
  4. RP time! you see a wolf from a rival pack on hunting a deer on your territory, you
  5. another RP: your pack is being attacked by rouges. your fighting against two rouges and you see your alpha is being held down by three rouges, your best friend loosing a fight with two rouges, and a pup kidnapped by a rouge, you
  6. wich rank would you like to have in a pack
  7. if you could only save one, who would it be?
  8. what do you do under full moon? (does not effect)
  9. this is my first quiz so please dont hate me for it, but did you like it? (does not effect)
  10. last thing. awo? (does not effect answer)

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Quiz topic: What is my wolf name, fur, personality, rank
