What's Your Wolf Name?

Ever wondered what your name would be as a wolf? Well know you can find out. Just answer the questions and you will get an name. Sorry it's a short quiz.

There are six different names. The names are Titan, Ruby, Luna, Moon, Chief and Spike. This is my first quiz so I hope you like the quiz. You can be a alpha, beta, pup, hunter or scout.

Created by: meow woof
  1. What is your gender?
  2. What is a word to describe you?
  3. Which rank do you want?
  4. What is your age?
  5. What color fur would you have?
  6. What color eyes would you have?
  7. The hunters have brought in a deer. When do you eat?
  8. Would you want to have a mate?
  9. How many pups would you want to have?
  10. Did you like the quiz? (won't affect your answer)

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Quiz topic: What's my Wolf Name?
