What is your wings of fire name (SeaWing) for GIRLS ONLY!

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This quiz is for fun, and not to hurt anyone! I would like everyone to have fun with this quiz OK? But I also made it for everyone who likes wings of fire to be able to know there SeaWing name.

OK to be honest, THIS TOOK TO LONG TO MAKE! So I hope every one likes it! OK to I thought it would be fun to make ( it was) But it took SOOOOOOOOO LONG! So YAY!

Created by: Splash the SeaWing
  1. Do you like wings of fire
  2. You have to fight Peirl what do you do?
  3. You are a SeaWing and go into the Ice Kingdom and an IceWing named Snowbird likes you and gives you a gift to keep you warm what do you do?
  4. You are queen coral's must trusted guard and Coarl is in truble and is going to die, what do you do,
  5. Queen Glory is going to invite you to dinner and you are a SeaWing and find it cool! So you eat and Deathbringer kills Glory!
  6. You are at a ball and Albatross comes from the dead and kills everyone AGAIN! What do you do!
  7. what do you do if you are an animus.
  8. You see your best friend and she does not like you anymore what do you do?
  9. make a friend and then you see that she it eveil.
  10. You what to tell Moon that you like her, but she is dating Qibli what do you do?

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Quiz topic: What is my wings of fire name (SeaWing) for GIRLS ONLY!
