What is your wings of fire name??

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This wings of fire quiz determines what your Wings of Fire name will most likely be. Of you are a Wings of Fire fan I highly recommend this. But if not, you won't even know what I'm talking about.

Some of my descriptions are trash. Sorry if you get a bad one. I am only 10 and I have an active imagination. If you don't like it, TOO BAD!!!!!! Anyway I hope you like it . P.S the good answers ARE the answers.

Created by: KITTYSMILE
  1. First off what tribe are you (See my other quiz for this anwer)
  2. How do you like your pankakes??
  3. One of your best friends is killed by a Sandwing assassin. What do you do? (Your a Seawing, by the way)
  4. You are born with animus magic. What do you do? (This one should be easy)
  5. Your friend is Sick and you know someone with a magic scroll (Not Darkstalker's, mind you) but they are your WORST ENEMY. What do you do?
  6. Meh...
  7. You have an egg but your parents don't know you even had a love and don't want you to. What do you do?
  8. Just three more questions...
  9. Your parents name you Lilypad you...
  10. Last one!

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Quiz topic: What is my wings of fire name??
