What is Your Warrior Name? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is Your Warrior Name?
What is Your Warrior Name?
Your Result: Shadebrook 78%You are a dark gray tabby she-cat with amber eyes. You have no kits or a mate and you are the deputy of ShadowClan. Your best friend is Tawnyspots.
Heatherpel t 76%
Goldenmist 75%
Ivypool 68%
Starstar 58%
Ligtningpe lt 44%
Redstar 31%
Insanekit 0%
Right on the dot!Rave0981 -
Starstar, interesting name but why would I have to hunt still if I'm dead already lol. I do like the name though still and am part of riverclan too.
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