What is your Warrior cat Name~?

Hi guys, here's my first quiz and I hope you enjoy it. This took me exactly two hours and thirty minutes to create. This is really a quiz for what your warrior cat name is. I made up these names by myself and I hope you like them.

Are you a true warrior cat or just looking for a warrior name?? Come right ova here and step right up for the quiz to know what your warrior cat name is!!

Created by: Bramblethornn

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What clan would you prefere to be in?
  2. What rank would you be?
  3. You are surrounded by dogs, but your mate is pinned to the ground and your leader is on his/her last life and a dog attacks ur leader. What do you do?
  4. Who is your fav character?? (in the first series)
  5. Do you have a mate?
  6. RANDOM!! This does NOT affect your score. Do you like pie??
  7. RANDOM 2!!! Does NOT affect your score. What is the first thing that pops in ur head when I type this word? Dude.
  8. (This does affect your score) You are in love with a ca from a diff clan. What do you do??
  9. Are you loyal?
  10. Do you like kits?

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Quiz topic: What is my Warrior cat Name~?