What is Your True Eye Color?

not much people can be fire but it seems you got a spark in your nice so at lest you have that much eh?....so it seems you need much more but it seems all good.

but but but you need more fight? no? well if you looking for a better one do it again if you didn't like this one or go to an other quiz that you like then

Created by: Obaito of obaitouchiha
(your link here more info)
  1. Your Eye Color is?
  2. Okay It Seems your test is done with the eye color you have at this point now next test the point of your eye is it okay? or you good at seeing far?
  3. hmmm..i see next test your eyes or very healthy yes? what do we look the most at?
  4. okay now lets see how healthy you or what do you eat?
  5. okay what about your best color you like?
  6. what music do you like?
  7. pets you have or just want?
  8. do you think or this just think about it?
  9. so what do you think of your family?
  10. oh..and what do you like doing?

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Quiz topic: What is my True Eye Color?